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Unmasking the Mysteries of the Statute of Limitations and a Short Course on Navigating through a Daubert Challenge in Copyright

When: February 24, 2021 at 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST - This event has passed

The statute of limitations sometimes bedevils copyright litigators on both sides of the fence. “Has the claim accrued;” “is it tolled;” and “how far back in time can I seek infringing damages” are just three of the questions that copyright litigators must answer. Using the polling feature on Zoom the panel will ask the audience a series of statute of limitations hypotheticals and then debate and explain the “correct” answers. We will then turn to an expert who will guide us through designing a Daubert-proof survey and damages report in copyright and then explain how to successfully navigate through the inevitable Daubert challenge.


Krista Holt
Managing Director, Econ One Research, Inc.

Edward Rosenthal
Chair, IP Group / Co-Chair, Litigation Group, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein + Selz

David Wolfsohn
Partner, Duane Morris LLP

Andrew Berger (Moderator)
Counsel, Leichtman Law PLLC

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