Journal of the Copyright Society The peer-reviewed Journal of the Copyright Society (formerly known as the Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA, and before that, the Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the USA) is the world’s leading law review exclusively devoted to the subject of copyright law. For seventy years, the Journal has published landmark articles on copyright law by prominent academics, judges, practitioners, and government officials. Each issue includes a combination of theoretical articles, notes and summaries of domestic and foreign legislative and administrative developments, and news of important court decisions throughout the world. The Journal also publishes bibliographic data on books, articles and other data from law reviews, related periodicals and trade publications, and contains announcements of interest to the copyright field including news and notices from the Copyright Office. The Journal is circulated broadly among members of the Society as well as institutional, academic, public, and governmental libraries around the globe. What’s New? Featured Content [Podcast, new things, etc] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt varius urna ac maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis ut mi rutrum velit facilisis dapibus. Fusce dictum in sapien sit amet mollis. Aenean sodales tellus eget odio interdum auctor eget sit amet dolor. Phasellus ornare nulla a finibus auctor. Nam facilisis in arcu vel venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam sit amet ex mauris. Morbi pellentesque scelerisque tellus, a commodo nibh fringilla non. Feature Link Latest Issue Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tincidunt varius urna ac maximus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis ut mi rutrum velit facilisis dapibus. Fusce dictum in sapien sit amet mollis. Aenean sodales tellus eget odio interdum auctor eget sit amet dolor. Phasellus ornare nulla a finibus auctor. Nam facilisis in arcu vel venenatis. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam sit amet ex mauris. Morbi pellentesque scelerisque tellus, a commodo nibh fringilla non. View Latest Issue