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About the Journal

Begun in 1953, the Journal of the Copyright Society (formerly known as the Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA, and before that, the Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the USA) is the world’s leading peer-reviewed law review exclusively devoted to the subject of copyright law. For seventy years, the Journal has published landmark articles on copyright law by prominent academics, judges, practitioners, and government officials.

Each issue includes a combination of theoretical and doctrinal articles, notes and summaries of domestic and foreign legislative and administrative developments, book reviews, and news of important court decisions throughout the world. The Journal contains announcements of interest to the copyright field including news, reports, and notices from the Copyright Office.

The Journal also publishes transcripts of key proceedings and key copyright lectures, including the Brace Lecture, held annually each November, and the Meyer Lecture, also held in November.  We also hold a virtual roundtable symposium each spring, starting in 2025 that approaches a topic from a variety of viewpoints. 

The Journal also is proud to make available our historical volumes, spanning over 70 years of copyright history.  The issues in real time document the news of the day, key cases, and articles, and are in invaluable resource for anyone working in copyright.  

Finally, the journal will begin in 2025 a research podcast, Copyright Fixation,  to supplement the materials the journal produces.  This will include special series on historical topics, interviews with our authors, and hot topics of the day.  Transcripts of the conversations will be made available as well.

Editorial Team

We are pleased to have an editorial team made up of industry leaders, practitioners, scholars, and law students.  We work together to produce the Journal. 

Featured below is our team for Volume 71, Issue 1: 

Our Process 

  • Our scholarly articles are peer-reviewed by our editorial team with both general knowledge and specialty and experience in the subject.
  • We also produce the “Out in the World” section, which highlights administrative, legislative and judicial developments around the world.  This is created by a hand-picked team of experts from around the world.
  • We also accept book reviews, short practitioner articles, and other materials related to copyright.
  • In following tradition, we also excerpt key documents coming out of the U.S. Copyright Office.

If you are interested in being part of the editorial team, please email