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The Modern Music Agreement: A Fresh Look at Current Provisions in Music Agreements as Influenced by Recent Trends in Copyright Law

When: February 11, 2023 at 9:00am - 10:00am EST - This event has passed

A contract-focused panel that examines two major music agreements—the recording agreement and the co-publishing agreement—through a modern copyright lens. In this session, the panelists will walk through certain key provisions of these two music agreements and highlight recent changes and trends in drafting and negotiating such provisions, as influenced by contemporary developments in copyright law and jurisprudence. The panelists will describe the purpose of each such provision, the history and evolution of the provision over time, and current drafting and negotiating tips to keep in mind considering modern music-copyright developments.


Corey Field

Corey Field Law Group, P.C

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Lexi Todd

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Patti Coleman

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Lulu Pantin

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