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The Future of Copyright Competition Policy with the Colorado Bar Association IP Section

When: September 29, 2014 at 12:00pm - 12:00pm EDT - This event has passed


Please join the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Copyright Society of the USA for:

The Future of Copyright Competition Policy
A Colorado Bar Association IP Section Lunch cosponsored by the Copyright Society of the USA

Date and Time: Noon on Monday, September 29, 2014
Location: Denver Chophouse
Speakers: Kristelia Garcia, Professor at University of Colorado School of Law



In March 2014, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, acting as a rate court, attempted to check anticompetitive behavior by and between the nations’ major music publishing companies by issuing an order that arguably contravenes federal copyright law. It did so following those publishing companies’ unprecedented attempt to withdraw their digital copyrights from ASCAP, the collective rights organization charged with the collection and administration of public performance royalties.  Not only does this circumvention of ASCAP challenge the traditional justifications for collective rights management, it also introduces two significant drawbacks – adverse selection and anticompetitive behavior – and offers a unique opportunity to reconsider competition policy in copyright.

$35 for IP Section Members
$45 for the general public
CU/DU Law students and government employees FREE

Includes a catered lunch. You can register for the lunch by going to: RSVP by calling (303) 860-1115 ext. 727 or by emailing before 5 PM on Thursday, September 25, 2014.

1 general CLE credit applied for.

Cancellations after Thursday, September 25th and no-shows will be billed for the cost of the program. Checks can be sent to the Colorado Bar Association, 1900 Grant St., Suite 900, Denver, CO 80203. Also, please call or e-mail your RSVP when sending a check. Checks should be made payable to the CBA. If leaving a message, please spell your name, specify that you are attending the Intellectual Property Section September Luncheon, leave your phone number, and specify if you would prefer a vegetarian lunch.

Thank you.


David Ratner
Midwest Chapter Chair



CLE Credit Details

1 general CLE credit applied for.

This event has passed