The statute of limitations sometimes bedevils copyright litigators on both sides of the fence. “Has the claim accrued;” “is it tolled;” and “how far back in time can I seek infringing damages” are just three of the questions that copyright litigators must answer. Using the polling feature on Zoom the panel will ask the audience a series of statute of limitations hypotheticals and then debate and explain the “correct” answers. We will then turn to an expert who will guide us through designing a Daubert-proof survey and damages report in copyright and then explain how to successfully navigate through the inevitable Daubert challenge. Speakers: Krista Holt Managing Director, Econ One Research, Inc. Edward Rosenthal Chair, IP Group / Co-Chair, Litigation Group, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein + Selz David Wolfsohn Partner, Duane Morris LLP Andrew Berger (Moderator) Counsel, Leichtman Law PLLC