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The Law Office of Michael R. Klipper, the George Washington University Law School, and the Copyright Society are proud to sponsor the 2023 Christopher A. Meyer Memorial Lecture in cooperation with the U.S. Copyright Office.

“Intellectual Property and the Creatures of Generative AI”
given by Justin Hughes
Hon. William Matthew Byrne Jr. Distinguished Professor of Law, Loyola Law School


Christopher A. Meyer passionately believed in the rights of authors to both control the commercial exploitation of their expression and to draw from the expressions of others when creating new works.  After Mr. Meyer’s death in 1999, the firm Meyer, Klipper & Mohr, PLLC established a lecture series for prominent practitioners and academics to set forth their views on current trends in copyright law and related issues. The Copyright Society and its Washington DC Chapter and George Washington Law School are proud to sponsor this series in cooperation with the U.S. Copyright Office.

For a list of past Meyer Lecturers, please click here.