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Open Education Week 2023: Creative Commons Celebrates Community Members

As we gear up for Open Education Week 2023 (6 – 10 March), Creative Commons wants to recognize the contributions of our open education and related open communities. In the past several, our community members have shared their knowledge and inquiry through lightning talks, panel discussions, presentations, and working groups. The list below offers a glimpse into some of the areas of knowledge shared, and is not exhaustive. While most events focus directly on open education topics, we recognize the rich areas of overlap with our open culture and copyright communities, and have shared a glimpse into some related efforts as well.

Community-Led Efforts

CC Open Education Lightning Talks: Seven-minute presentations that offer glimpses into our open education community’s expertise. Over the last year, community members have presented on topics ranging from OER and the “work for hire” doctrine, building OER into capstone courses, funding opportunities within open education, open educational resources (OER) as tools for social justice, work/life balance, climate change and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the LibreTexts and Curationist platforms. Learn about open licensing and OER, copyright, the public domain, and more in these pithy tutorials!  

August 2022 CC Open Education Lightning Talks: Included discussions on building OER into capstone courses, funding opportunities within open education, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Open Syllabus: UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science” by Jennifer Miller, civic technologist and open knowledge advocate.
More OER for Free!” by Jonathan Poritz, former mathematics faculty member and OER Coordinator at a public university in Colorado, USA, and ongoing facilitator for the CC Certificate course.
Open Climate Campaign” by Dr. Cable Green, Director of Open Knowledge at Creative Commons, and Dr. Monica Granados, Assistant Director for Creative Commons Open Climate program.
Building OER into Capstone Courses” by Dr. Carolyn Stevenson, faculty member and faculty advisor for Purdue University Global, School of General Education, Department of Professional Studies.
Improve It Challenge” by Jamison Miller, Open Education advocate and PhD candidate at William and Mary School of Education. 

February 2023 CC Open Education Lightning Talks: Topics included reimagining open education as social justice, using machine translation algorithms for non-English language OER textbooks, and integrating values and ethics in OER for climate change and the SDGs. 

Reimagining Open Education as Social Justice” by Ravon Ruffin, Educational Programs Manager at MHz Foundation, and Amanda Figueroa, Community Director at MHz Foundation.
LibreTexts 101: Building the Textbook of the Future” by Delmar Larsen, Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Davis, and Founder and Director of the LibreTexts project.
Using Machine Translation Algorithms to Effectively generate Non-English language OER Textbooks” by Delmar Larsen, Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Davis, and Founder and Director of the LibreTexts project.
Integration of Values and Ethics in OER for Climate Change and the SDGs” by Dr. Suma Parahakaran, head of the Faculty of Education at Manipal Globalnxt.
OER as a Social Justice tool, the case of digital accessibility” by Nicolas Simon, Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology, and Social Work at Eastern Connecticut State University.
Get the Balance Right: Using Mindfulness OER for Intentional Work and Life Practices” by Dr. Carolyn Stevenson, faculty member and faculty advisor for Purdue University Global, School of General Education, Department of Professional Studies. 

Anticolonial Knowledge: Discussion with Stacy Allison-Cassin: a Q&A discussion led by moderator Jen Hughes, CC Certificate Facilitator and Archives, New Media and Educational Initiatives Librarian at Salt Lake Community College, and featured Stacy Allison-Cassin, PhD, Assistant Professor at the School of Information Management at Dalhousie University. The discussion focused on the challenges and considerations for anti-colonial knowledge efforts within knowledge institutions. Watch the recording. 
February 2023 SDSN US Summit on Transformative Education, Panel Discussion: Sustainability Education: Nonformal and Informal Education (Dr. Green’s slides): The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) spans six continents and draws upon the knowledge and educational capacity of over 1,600-member institutions. The panel speakers included CC’s Dr. Cable Green, Amlata Persaud of Childhood Education International, Karen Robinson of Human Rights Org, Toland Kister of Hudron, and Tim Mahoney (moderator). Watch the recording.

Additional community efforts from the fields of open culture, open climate and copyright 

CC’s copyright platform 2022 working groups share their highlights: Led by André Houang and Emine Yildirim, the two working groups presented their position papers on international user rights and data sharing policies. View their highlights. 
CC’s open culture platform 2022 five working groups share their highlights: In 2022, CC’s open culture platform had five working groups, each focused on different areas of interest. These included the Digital Community Heritage Working Group led by Bettina Fabos and Mariana Ziku; the Traditional Knowledge and Copyright Intersections Working Group led by Connor Benedict and Alhassan Mohammed Awal; the Open GLAM for Smaller Organizations Working Group led by Connor Benedict and Abdul Dube; the CC Licenses for Cultural Heritage Institutions Working Group led by Deborah De Angelis and Tomoaki Watanabe; and the Practical Resources for the Open Culture Sector Working Group led by Revekka Kefalea and Jesse Carson. View their highlights. 
Open Culture VOICES Archives: A series of short interviews with open GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) experts from around the world. CC asks each guest four questions about the benefits, barriers, inspiration, and advice to share about open culture. Watch the latest episode from season 2.  
February 2023 Scanning 3D: Cultural Heritage Preservation, Access and Revitalization: In February 2023, we hosted a global Q&A and panel discussion on 3D scanning for cultural heritage preservation, access, and revitalization. The discussion focused on the legal, policy, cultural, and ethical considerations surrounding this topic.
The speakers included Michael Weinberg, Executive Director of the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy at the NYU School of Law; Cosmo Wenman, an open access advocate and 3D design and fabrication consultant; Teresa Nobre, Legal Director of COMMUNIA; Thomas Flynn, Cultural Heritage Lead at Sketchfab; Jonas Heide Smith, Head of Digital at SMK – National Gallery of Denmark in Copenhagen (Statens Museum for Kunst); and Jennryn Wetzler, Director of Learning and Training at Creative Commons, who served as the moderator. Watch the recording. 

CC is grateful to community members in these conversations and others. Their thoughtful presentations enrich Open Education Week, and our broader open knowledge and open culture work.


To find out what else Creative Commons is doing to celebrate Open Education, visit the Open Education Week website. 

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