« All Events This event has passed. Visual Arts and the Law May 3, 2013 @ 8:00 am - 4:30 pm « NY Chapter: A Matter of Import: Supreme Court’s Kirtsaeng Decision USCO – Nimmer on Copyright: Celebrating 50 Years » On May 3, 2013, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts, Inc., in conjunction with Lisa F. Moore, Esq. of The Moore Firm, LLC and the Southeast Chapter of The Copyright Society of the USA will be holding a full day of programming on critically important legal issues for museums, galleries and arts administrators. Specifically, this CLE will address cutting edge issues facing artists and art institutions in areas such as copyright law and fair use, trademark law, recent developments involving lost or stolen art, legal issues concerning provenance, authenticity and authentication boards, litigation involving fakes and frauds, as well as tax, employment and contract considerations for museums and galleries. The full agenda is below. The cost of attendance is $195 for attorneys, $150 for museums, galleries, and arts administrators, and $50 for artists. All proceeds go to support Georgia Lawyers for the Arts, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides pro bono legal and educational services to low income artists and non-profit arts organizations across the State of Georgia. Register by contacting Lisa Moore, lisa@themoorefirm.com. 8:00 -8:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast (All attendees must check in upon arrival. A removable jacket or sweater is recommended). 8:45am Welcome and Opening Remarks, Lisa F. Moore, Esq., Program Chair, The Moore Firm, LLC and Gillian O’Nan, Esq., Executive Director, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts 9:00am Appropriation Art, Fair Use and the Intersection of the First Amendment and the US Copyright Act, Michael Landau, Esq., Copyright Professor, Georgia State College of Law and Andrew Pequignot, Esq., Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, Atlanta 10:00am Trademark Law for Visual Artists and Arts Administrators, James Trigg, Esq., Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, Atlanta 11:00-11:15am Break 11:15am-12:30pm Recent Legal Developments in Arts and Antiquities, Robert A. Horn, Esq., New York 12:30-1:15pm Lunch (included in registration fee) 1:15-2:15pm Provenance and Appraisals: Fakes, Frauds, Authenticity Boards and Litigation in State and Federal Court, James Martin, Orion Analytical LLC, Williamstown, Massachusetts, Jane Cofer, Art Matters, Atlanta, and Lisa F. Moore, Esq., Program Chair 2:15-3:15pm Lost and Stolen Art: International and Domestic Protection and Regulation, Raymond J. Dowd, Esq., Dunnington, Bartholow & Miller, LLP, New York 3:15pm-4:30pm Tax, Employment and Contract Considerations for Museums and Galleries, David Golden, Esq., Troutman Sanders, LLP, Atlanta, Nathan A. Hartman, JD, MTS, Hartman Private Law, LLC, Evan H. Pontz, Esq., Troutman Sanders, LLP, Atlanta, and Liz Wheeler, Esq., The Moore Firm, LLC 4:30pm Adjourn for Cocktail Reception and Private Access to the Current World-Class Exhibit “Frieda & Diego” Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Details Date: May 3, 2013 Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Event Category: Chapter Program Event Tags:Chapter CLE Credit Details On May 3, 2013, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts, Inc., in conjunction with Lisa F. Moore, Esq. of The Moore Firm, LLC and the Southeast Chapter of The Copyright Society of the USA will be holding a full day of programming on critically important legal issues for museums, galleries and arts administrators. Specifically, this CLE will address cutting edge issues facing artists and art institutions in areas such as copyright law and fair use, trademark law, recent developments involving lost or stolen art, legal issues concerning provenance, authenticity and authentication boards, litigation involving fakes and frauds, as well as tax, employment and contract considerations for museums and galleries. This event has passed