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Views from Both Sides of the Atlantic: Is Copyright Law Up to the Challenge of AI?

When: October 13, 2020 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT - This event has passed


Advancing applications for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are challenging the boundaries of copyright law. The evolution of such applications to “create” new or derivative “works” raises questions as to how resulting works fit within existing copyright regimes. AI-generated products strain existing conceptions of derivative works and challenge traditional conceptions of authorship.

This event brings together experts on American, German, European and global perspectives and experiences with AI. Representatives of the video game industry will demo AI-created game features to showcase some technology and processes and identify some issues that push the envelope of existing copyright laws. You will hear the latest thoughts from WIPO and academia on how copyright and policymakers around the world, including Germany, the EU and the United States, are responding to these game-changing developments.

The panel will tackle legal issues such as whether, and if so how, existing copyright frameworks might need to be amended to address the challenges posed by AI, or whether current copyright regimes can flexibly and efficiently accommodate new AI applications through licensing and contractual mechanisms.


Dr. Ulrike Till
Director of the Division of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy, 
Office of the Director General, WIPO
Geneva, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Silke von Lewinski

Senior Research Fellow, Intellectual Property and Competition Law,
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

Munich, Germany

Stanley Pierre-Louis

President and CEO, Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
Washington, DC, USA

Matt Skelton
Senior Attorney, Gaming at Microsoft
Seattle, Washington, USA


Maria Strong (Moderator)

Acting Register of Copyrights and Director of the U.S. Copyright Office
Washington, DC, USA



The Copyright Society is a Certified CLE Provider in New York and California. Program will satisfy 1.5 CA participatory credits and 1.5 NY CLE credits. The intermediate program is transitional and appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

Instructions for verifying attendance will be emailed to registrants prior to the program. 



Members: Free!

Non-Members: $75

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Cancellation Policy
Refunds must be requested in writing at least three business days before the event. Refunds will not be issued after that point. Unfortunately we will not be able to credit your registration payment toward a future event, but you may allow another person to attend in your place. Please email and let us know that person’s name, affiliation, city and state, and email address. 
Financial Aid Policy

The Copyright Society provides a limited number of scholarships each year to students, law clerks, unemployed attorneys, and nonprofit and government employees. For information on how to apply, please  click here.


CLE Credit Details

The Copyright Society is a Certified CLE Provider in New York and California. Program will satisfy 1.5 CA participatory credits and 1.5 NY CLE credits. The intermediate program is transitional and appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys. Instructions for verifying attendance will be emailed to registrants prior to the program.