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The ABCs of Copyright Authorship: A Spotlight on Works Made for Hire

When: February 10, 2021 at 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST - This event has passed

Who is the author of the work? It’s a deceptively simple question that is often determined by a complicated work for hire analysis. Our panel will discuss what exactly the work for hire doctrine is and examine its application in various common scenarios, including whether or not the status can be established after a work has been created, its impact on other provisions of the Copyright Act, and its effect on the production and distribution of copyrightable works from a practical point of view.

Join us to learn about recent work for hire decisions and helpful tactics for determining copyright authorship.


David Grossman
Deputy Chair, Litigation, Loeb & Loeb LLP

Eleanor Lackman
Partner, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP

Dale Nelson
Partner, Donaldson + Callif, LLP

Lauren Simmonds (Moderator)
Counsel, Netflix