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Text and Technology: How International Licensing Structures Apply to Text, and How They May Predict Options for Generative AI

When: January 28, 2024 at 9:00am - 10:00pm PST - This event has passed
Where: Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa (and Virtual)

While we all know that text has long been covered by copyright, you might not know as much about the innovative ways we’ve used and licensed works like news, fiction, and scientific journals in our ever changing technological world. Learn how we’ve licensed these types of works here and abroad, the current AI litigation landscape swirling around text, variations between different types of textual works and in comparison to licensing and uses of other creative works, and potential paths forward.


Jay Kerr-Wilson

Partner | Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

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Regan A. Smith

Senior Vice President & General Counsel | News Media Alliance

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Catherine Zaller Rowland

Vice President, General Counsel | Copyright Clearance Center

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