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NW Chapter: Prof. Jane Ginsburg speaking “Fair Use: For Free, or Permitted But Paid?”

When: November 15, 2013 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm EST - This event has passed

Northwest Chapter of the Copyright Society of the USA is sponsoring an interactive lunchtime presentation by renowned copyright scholar and
Columbia University law professor Jane Ginsburg.  Professor Ginsburg will be speaking about fair use issues.   More
specifically, Professor Ginsburg explains:

“Fair use
has gone off the rails, first with the Sony ‘Betamax’ decision, and
more recently with the transformation of ‘transformative use’ from a
factor fostering new creativity to one favoring new copyright-dependent
business models and socially beneficent reiterative uses.  We should cease
muddling authorship-grounded fair uses with judge-made exceptions whose impetus
derives from distinct considerations.  Moreover, I suggest that the other
exceptions should not always produce free-passes.  Instead, I propose that
many of the current social subsidy fair uses and market failure fair uses be ‘permitted but paid,’ and explore how we might implement that

Lunch will
be provided, and there will be a small charge to attend the event, discounted
for current Copyright Society members.

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