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Navigating the Ethical Waters and Bridges of IP Enforcement

When: November 21, 2019 at 12:00pm - 2:00pm EST - This event has passed


Join us for our November Los Angeles luncheon addressing ethical concerns in intellectual property. This panel will address the concerns a litigator may face in evaluating an infringement claim, navigating federal and state court judges, determining whether willful infringement exists, and avoiding ethical pitfalls in protecting a client’s intellectual property. Our speakers will discuss these issues and lessons learned through the trial and settlement of various entertainment, media, art, photography, cases.

Program will satisfy 1.5 CA CLE ethics credits pending approval by the State Bar of California.


Stephen M. Doniger (Moderator)
Partner, Doniger / Burroughs 

Since prevailing in his first trial as a sole practitioner in 1997 (One World Marketing v. MEK Int’l, Case No. BC 193556 – trademark infringement / trade secret theft jury verdict for plaintiff of $550,000), Stephen Doniger has built a successful practice around business disputes in general and intellectual property in particular, representing photographers, authors, fine artists, and clients in the marketing, fashion, entertainment, real estate and hospitality industries. In his 20+ years of practice, Mr. Doniger has successfully litigated cases in the federal and state courts of California, New York, Nevada, and South Carolina, and has overseen litigation in foreign jurisdictions including Canada and the United Kingdom through local counsel. Mr. Doniger has also successfully handled numerous state and federal appeals, including arguing before the Second Circuit to affirm a willful infringement verdict he obtained at trial before the Southern District of New York in LA Printex Ind., Inc. v. Pretty Girl, Inc. et al., prevailing in LA Printex Industries, Inc. v. Aeropostale, Inc., et al, (9th Cir. Case No. 10-56149 – January 12, 2012 reversal of summary judgment against Doniger/Burroughs client) and United Fabrics International v. Lane Bryant, et al. (9th Cir. Case No. 10-56169 – 12/20/11 substantially affirming of Doniger/Burroughs trial verdict). Over the past five years, Mr. Doniger has handled more copyright cases than any other attorney in the United States, with his firm named as the top copyright litigation firm in Lex Machina’s 2015 Copyright Litigation Report. He has also prevailed in every copyright matter taken to trial, and has been lead trial counsel in many of the largest copyright verdicts in the Central District, including: Advanced Visual Image Design, LLC v. Exist, Inc., Case No. 2:10-cv-09383 ($1,754,272 verdict), United Fabrics International v. Lane Bryant, et al., Case No. CV08-6865 ($447,670 verdict), Caribbean Blues, Inc. v. Target Corp., et al., Case No. CV10-3334 ($389,638 verdict). 

Lincoln Bandlow
Lincoln Bandlow Law

Lincoln Bandlow is the founder of The Law Offices of Lincoln Bandlow, PC and focuses his practice on sophisticated media, First Amendment, intellectual property and other entertainment-related litigation matters. He represents clients in the motion picture, television, publishing, broadcasting, Internet and advertising fields. In addition, Lincoln represents several of the principal underwriters for the media and entertainment industry. He has tried cases in both state and federal courts for matters involving copyright infringement, defamation, right of publicity, right of privacy, trademark infringement, breach of contract and related matters. Lincoln has litigated political campaign music use cases from both sides: he was counsel to Senator John McCain in an action brought by musical artist Jackson Browne regarding use of Browne’s music in a political spot and also was counsel for a well-known musical composer in an action brought against the Club For Growth in a political spot the Club produced to attack Senator Russ Feingold.


J. Curtis Edmondson
Edmondson IP Law

Curt Edmondson is an intellectual property litigator with an electrical engineering degree from U.C. Santa Barbara. His first job was testing nuclear warheads at Lawrence Livermore Labs, that was followed by engineering work for Hughest Aircraft working on the Venus Radar Mapper. Since 2011, Curt has defended numerous “John and Jane Does” that have been sued for allegedly downloading movies using the bit torrent protocol. His clients have ranged from septuagenarian widowers to corporate clients. 


Robert L. Kehr
Principal, Kehr, Schiff, Crane & Cohen, LLP

Robert L. Kehr is a principal in Kehr, Schiff, Crane & Cohen, LLP, in Los Angeles, where his practice includes a variety of business and other transactional matters, providing legal ethics advice to lawyers and law firms, and serving as a consultant and expert witness in litigation. Mr. Kehr was a member of the Committee for the Revision of the Rules of Professional Conduct that drafted California’s current Rules of Professional Conduct and is a former Chair of the ethics committees of the California State Bar and of the Los Angeles County Bar Association.  He is an adjunct professor at Loyal Law School, a member of the American Law Institute, and a member of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers. Mr. Kehr is an author and a frequent speaker regarding the professional responsibilities of lawyers and is a graduate of Cornell University and the Columbia University School of Law.


Emilie Kennedy
General Counsel, Vixen Media Group
Emilie Kennedy is General Counsel of Vixen Media Group, an entertainment media company employing over 100 people between its Los Angeles, Montreal and Barcelona offices. At Vixen, she focuses on a broad range of matters including contracts, intellectual property, anti-piracy, employment law and privacy. Prior to joining Vixen, she focused her legal career on content protection for movie studios, record labels, music publishers and songwriters.  She holds a B.A. from the University of Vermont, a Master’s in Music Business from the University of Miami and a J.D. from Florida International University. During law school, she spent a summer studying copyright at the University of Cambridge and as a law clerk for the United States Copyright Office, Office of the General Counsel.




Members: $25
Student Members: 
$20  |  Must present valid student ID at the door.

Please note: Affordable parking is available across the street in the Westfield Mall’s Constellation/Solar parking lot. Fox Rothschild cannot validate parking.

CLE Credit Details

Program will satisfy 1.5 CA CLE ethics credits pending approval by the State Bar of California.

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