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International Chapter Luncheon

When: June 4, 2017 at 12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT - This event has passed



Importing Fair Use: The Israeli Experience

Israel’s copyright law has evolved as a synthesis of UK, US, and European copyright law. In 2008, Israel became one of only a few countries to adopt the US fair use doctrine as part of its domestic law. In the Israeli context, fair use now exists alongside other foreign influences, such as moral rights. This has created the need for an original application of the doctrine and has had a profound effect on copyright practice, offering food for thought for international copyright practitioners and scholars and other countries considering adoption of the doctrine.

Join Tony Greenman, one of Israel’s preeminent IP and entertainment lawyers and the author of Israel’s leading treatise on copyright law, in a fascinating discussion of this unusual collision of copyright cultures.



Tony Greenman practices law in Tel-Aviv, where he heads an IP firm specializing in copyright, media and entertainment law and trademarks. Tony is particularly active in the television and film industries. He has acted as counsel to many of the most successful Israeli feature films and television productions, including Oscar nominees Waltz with Bashir and Ajami, box office hit Zero Motivation and the well-known series In Treatment and Yellow Peppers, which were remade in the USA and the UK. He advises many documentary and other projects on fair use issues. Tony obtained a precedential judgment recognizing the copyright of film directors and set up TALI, the collecting society for Israel’s film and TV directors and screenwriters.

Tony is the author of the textbook “Copyright”, which is the leading authority on the subject in Israel. The book has been cited in hundreds of judgments, including 30 Supreme Court Judgments. He also wrote the chapter on Israel in Copyright Throughout the World (ed. Silke Von Lewinski) and is an adjunct professor at the law faculty of Tel Aviv University. He has lectured at international meetings of ALAI, AIPPI and WIPO. Tony was born in London and is also a member of the California Bar. 



Casey Chisick is co-leader of the Copyright & Entertainment practice at Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP in Toronto. He is certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Certified Specialist in Intellectual Property (Copyright). Casey is recognized as a leading practitioner by Best Lawyers, Chambers Global, Who’s Who Legal, and the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory and as an IP Star by Managing Intellectual Property. He is currently a Trustee of CSUSA, a member of its Executive Committee, and co-chair of its newly-established International Chapter.





Tickets: $60
Please note: the International Chapter Luncheon is not included in Annual Meeting registration. A separate ticket is required.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

A full refund will be issued if a cancellation is received in writing by Thursday, May 25, 2017. No refunds or credits will be issued for cancellations after May 25, 2017. Registrations are transferable.

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