Fair Use in Fiction Works When: February 11, 2015 at 12:00pm - 12:00pm EST - This event has passed The Copyright Society of the USA’s Midwest Chapter and the Copyright Practice Group of Brinks Gilson & Lione are pleased to present a program on: Fair Use in Fiction Works With Michael Donaldson of Donaldson & Callif, LLP, Beverly Hills, California Lunch will be served. Cost: CSUSA Members: FREE Please sign in to receive the member rate. Nonmembers: $15 Student Members: FREE Sign in if you are a member. Students who are not members may use the code MWStudentFeb2015. Valid student ID required at check-in. Brinks Gilson & Lione is an accredited MCLE provider in Illinois and this program is worth 1.0 hour of general CLE credit. CLE credit in other states may be available upon request. If you have any questions related to CLE, please email mkdriscoll@brinksgilson.com. Cancellation Policy: Refunds must be requested in writing at least three business days before the event. Refunds will not be issued after that point. Unfortunately, we will not be able to credit your registration payment toward a future event, but you may allow another person attend in your place. Are you new to the Copyright Society of the USA? To learn about the benefits of your membership, please visit www.csusa.org. You can also review our recent programs. Already a member but need to renew for the 2014-2015 season? Please visit www.csusa.org. All memberships expired on September 30, 2014. If you have already renewed, thank you! CLE Credit Details Brinks Gilson & Lione is an accredited MCLE provider in Illinois and this program is worth 1.0 hour of general CLE credit. CLE credit in other states may be available upon request. If you have any questions related to CLE, please email mkdriscoll@brinksgilson.com. This event has passed