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Fair Use for Documentary Films, Fiction Films and Online Content

When: November 3, 2016 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT - This event has passed

The courts have developed a simple way to find the Safe Harbor for fair use in documentary films. Michael Donaldson, the man who the American Bar Association dubbed the “Obi Wan Kenobi” of fair use, will give you the three questions so you can use material pursuant to fair use and know that you are absolutely legal. He will give lots of examples and war stories in his highly interactive presentation. He will also explain how fair use is being increasingly used in scripted films. Donaldson & Callif have worked with leading directors such as like Oliver Stone, Terrence Malick, and Richard Linklater, as well as many indie filmmakers in using material pursuant to fair use.

Lunch will be served.

1.0 Texas State CLE Credit Hour Pending Approval


Michael DonaldsonMichael Donaldson currently serves as co-chair of the LA Chapter and an advisor to the Executive Committee of CSUSA, having just completed two years as Treasurer. Dubbed the “’legal Obi Wan Kenobi’ and fair use guru of the documentary film set” by the American Bar Association, Michael has gained a national reputation as an expert on clearance- and rights-related issues. He is the author of the award-winning Clearance and Copyright, which is used in 50 film schools, The American Bar Association’s Legal Guide to Independent Film Making, and three other books as well as many articles, including his most recent law review article for the Journal of the Copyright Society, “Refuge from the Storm: A Fair Use Safe Harbor for Non-Fiction Works” available at





Members $15 Before Early-Bird, $20.00 After (Must sign in to receive discount)
Students and Faculty $15 Before Early-Bird, $20.00 After
$20 Before Early-Bird, $25.00 After

EARLY-BIRD DEADLINE: October 28, 2016

Cancellation Policy

Refunds must be requested in writing at least three business days before the event. Refunds will not be issued after that point. Unfortunately, we will not be able to credit your registration payment toward a future event, but you may allow another person attend in your place.

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CLE Credit Details

1.0 Texas State CLE Credit Hour Pending Approval

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