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Copyright Career Conversations

When: November 3, 2015 at 5:30pm - 7:00pm EST - This event has passed

Copyright Career Conversations

The Southeastern Chapter of the Copyright Society of the USA invites law students, professors, attorneys, and copyright enthusiasts to its Copyright Career Conversations discussion on November 3, 2015.  The event will feature:

John Renaud, Senior Counsel at Turner Entertainment Networks 

Lauren Linder, Director, Business and Legal Affairs at The Weather Channel

Elizabeth Wheeler, Counsel at UP tv

Our expert panelists will discuss their own career paths and practices, copyright issues of the day, and thoughts about the future of copyright practice.  

This event is free, but registration is required
by November 3 at 12pm EDT

A $20 gift card will be awarded at random to one person who has registered in advance and is in attendance.

Registration is required so that we may provide your name to building security for access.
Once checked in at the security desk, please take the elevator to the 52nd floor, where the event will take place.

Parking available on site and validation available at event.
entrances on West Peachtree and North Avenue provide access to visitor
parking. (There is no visitor parking available from the Peachtree
Street entrance.)

Are you new to the Copyright Society of the USA? Learn about the benefits of membership here.

Already a member but need to renew for the 2015-2016 season? Please renew today! All memberships expired on September 30, 2015. If you have already renewed, thank you!


This event has passed