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Copyright at the Edge

When: May 21, 2015 at 12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT - This event has passed

What are the outer limits of copyright protection? Which cases push those boundaries, establishing the very edge of protectability? Courts have sometimes struggled with where to draw the line in terms of copyright protection, handing down decisions in outlier cases that establish the limits of copyright for works ranging from jewelry design, costumes, and fonts to gardens and conceptual art. 

Join us at the Princeton Club on May 21st for discussion of these cases and concepts, led by a distinguished panel of experts.  This will be our final program for the 2014-2015 season, so we hope to see you there!



Nancy E. Wolff is a Partner at Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP, where she counsels and represents clients in copyright law, trademarks, licensing, contracts, rights of publicity and privacy and libel. Nancy has been a frequent speaker throughout the United States and Europe on copyright, new technology and licensing for many organizations including AIPLA, the Digital Media Licensing Association, CEPIC International Conference (Coordination of European Picture Agencies, Press and Stock), Art Buyers Club, Graphic Artists Guild, International Center of Photography and many more. Nancy is a graduate of the University of Maryland and Rutgers School of Law, where she was the Business Manager and Editor of the Rutgers Law Review.



Gloria C. Phares is Of Counsel at Hoffmann Marshall Strong LLP in the firm’s IP practice (transactional and litigation). She practices in all aspects of intellectual property, privacy, Internet law and tech licensing and frequently lectures and writes in these disciplines as well. Gloria is a former attorney with the Appellate Section of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. She taught Appellate Advocacy for five years at Fordham University’s Law school, and she is a Fellow of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers. She is a graduate of The College and The Law School of the University of Chicago.



Thomas Kjellberg is Counsel at Cowan, Leibowitz & Latman, P.C. He practices in the areas of copyright, trademarks and right of publicity, including counseling and litigation for clients in a wide variety of industries including publishing, film, music and software.  He speaks and writes regularly on copyright, and is co-author, with Bob Clarida, of the annual review of copyright decisions published each year in the Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA. Tom is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies, where he teaches Copyright Law, and has also taught an intellectual property course in Fordham University’s Department of Media Studies.  He is a graduate of Wayne State University and Fordham University School of Law, where he won the Nathan Burkan Memorial Writing Competition.


The Copyright Society of the USA is a New York State CLE Approved Provider.
This course will provide 1 CLE credit.

Members:  Early-Bird $70, after deadline $80
Non-Members:  Early-Bird $85, after deadline $95
Student Members: 
Early-Bird $55, after deadline $65 –  Email for your promotional code

Early-Bird Deadline:  May 13, Midnight EDT
Final Registration Deadline: 
May 20, Midnight EDT

Cancellation Policy:
Refunds must be requested in writing at least three business days before the event. Refunds will not be issued after that point. Unfortunately, we will not be able to credit your registration payment toward a future event, but you may allow another person attend in your place. If possible, let us know that person’s name, affiliation and the city and state in which s/he works or lives so that we can make her/his name badge.

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CLE Credit Details

The Copyright Society of the USA is a New York State CLE Approved Provider. This course will provide 1 CLE credit.