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Copyright and the Visual Arts: From Street Art to Body Art

When: December 15, 2022 at 12:30pm - 1:30pm EST - This event has passed






Jalyce E. Mangum is an Attorney-Advisor in the U.S. Copyright Office’s Office of the General Counsel (“OGC”). She works on a variety of matters, including regulatory proceedings, administrative appeals, policy reports, and advising the Department of Justice on litigation matters. Jalyce joined the Copyright Office in 2016 as a copyright examiner in the Literary Division of the Office of Registration Policy and Practice and advanced in 2018 to attorney-advisor in OGC. Before joining the Office, she worked as an advertising and trademark associate in private practice in Washington, DC. She earned her JD from William & Mary School of Law, where she was an executive board member on the William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal. She received her BS from Virginia Commonwealth University.


Shireen Nasir is an Attorney-Advisor in the U.S. Copyright Office’s Office of the General Counsel. During her time at the Office, Shireen has worked on various studies and policy issues related to copyright registration, publication, and music. She also advises on copyright litigation matters. Prior to joining the Office, Shireen was an intellectual property litigation associate at law firms in New York City. She graduated with her JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and received her BA in political science from Rice University.

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