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Copyright and Politics: What It’s Like to be IP Counsel on the Presidential Campaign Trail

When: November 29, 2016 at 11:30am - 2:00pm EST - This event has passed


Copyright and Politics:
What It’s Like to be IP Counsel on the Presidential Campaign Trail

with Ben Sheffner and Lincoln Bandlow


Both of our speakers have served as IP Counsel to a Presidential Candidate during the wild, hectic, crazy campaign season.  Hear their inside stories, surprisingly varied legal issues and how they’ve advised some of the most stressed-out folks on the planet.  Just three Tuesdays after election day, sit back and enjoy not having the job they had.  This program is not to be missed because it won’t be repeated for four years.  Thank Goodness.  Dale Nelson of Warner Bros will moderate.

CA CLE Credit Pending Approval by the State Bar of California



Members: $65   Non-Members: $75
Lunch will be served

Registration Deadline

Final Registration Deadline: November 22, Midnight PDT

Cancellation Policy

Refunds must be requested in writing by November 22, 2016. Refunds will not be issued after that point. Unfortunately, we will not be able to credit your registration payment toward a future event, but you may allow another person attend in your place. If possible, let us know that person’s name, affiliation and the city and state in which s/he works or lives.

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Already a member but need to renew for the 2016-2017 season? 
Please visit and click renew. All memberships expire on September 30, 2016. If you have already renewed, thank you!

CLE Credit Details

CA CLE Credit Pending Approval by the State Bar of California

This event has passed