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“Blurred Lines” — Bad Law?

When: April 30, 2015 at 12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT - This event has passed


Presented by the Copyright Committee of the D.C. Bar Intellectual Property Law Section
In co-sponsorship with the Copyright Society of the USA
And the D.C. Bar Arts, Entertainment, Media and Sports Law Section


In the aftermath of a jury’s $7.3 million dollar award against Robin Thicke, an expert panel will discuss whether the law regarding music-composition copyright infringement is out of step with modern music production methods and needs to be revised.

Paige Gold

Kenneth Kaufman, Partner, Mannatt Phelps
John Simson, Music attorney
Lita Rosario, Music attorney
Eric Schwartz, Mitchell, Silberberg & Knupp

Arts, Entertainment, Media and Sports Law Section Member
Government or Non-Profit Employee $25.00
Intellectual Property Law Section Member $25.00
Law Student (Please bring student ID) $25.00
Non-Section Member $35.00

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