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Jeff Kichaven


Jeff Kichaven Commercial Mediation

Jeff Kichaven is one of the country’s top mediators.  He’s “Ranked in Chambers” on the mediation national list, and “Who’s Who Legal” calls him a “Global Elite Thought Leader” in mediation, one of only six in the United States and 28 in the world.  Jeff is an honors graduate of Harvard Law School (JD Cum Laude, 1980) and a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of California, Berkeley (AB Economics, 1977).

A native of Los Angeles, Jeff grew up surrounded by copyright-intensive industries, and IP cases are now a staple of his mediation practice.  He has a particular sweet spot in those cases where intellectual property law and insurance coverage law intersect.  He’s been a full-time professional mediator for 27 years.  For the first 15 years of his practice, he practiced scorched-earth business litigation in one of LA’s top law firms, so don’t let his soft-spoken demeanor fool you – he has been in the trenches and knows how to get the tough ones settled.

Jeff is a Member of the American Law Institute, a past chair of the ADR Committee in the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law, and a past chair of the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s Entertainment Law and Intellectual Property Section.  He is a frequent speaker and writer on mediation ethics and advocacy, and has taught these subjects for the ABA, local bar associations and mediation organizations across the country, and numerous law schools, including his alma mater, Harvard.

The Asian-Pacific American Dispute Resolution Center has honored Jeff with its Special Award for Excellence in Mediation, and his views on mediation have been published in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.