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Heather Meeker


General Partner

OSS Capital

Heather Meeker is a General Partner at OSS Capital, an early stage venture capital fund specializing in commercial open source development. She is also a partner at Tech Law Partners, LLP,, a law firm focused on technology transactions.

Meeker advises clients on intellectual property and licensing matters. She is an internationally-known specialist in open source software licensing. She is the primary drafter of many widely-used licenses, including Elastic 2.0, and served on the core drafting team for Mozilla Public License 2.0 and the PolyForm licenses. Her book Open Source for Business, now in its third edition, is a definitive handbook for lawyers, engineers, and businesspersons on open source licensing in business. Her Technology Licensing: A Primer, is a widely used handbook for technology licensing specialists. Her upcoming book, From Project to Profit, due in 2023, is a handbook for structuring commercial open source software businesses.

In 2019, Meeker was named by Business Insider as one of the ten people transforming the way the technology industry does business, along with the CEOs of Salesforce, Stripe, and Microsoft. She was the only lawyer on this list.

She is a member of the Advisory Council for the American Law Institute’s projects on Principles of the Law of Software Contracts (2010) and Restatement of Law, Copyright (ongoing). She is also a board member of the IEEE-ISTO and the StarkNet Foundation.

Heather is a former professional musician and enjoys dancing, gaming and travel. For more information, see