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Daniela Bassan

Daniela Bassan

Partner & Trademark Agent

Stewart McKelvey

Working with clients such as retailers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, service providers, financing companies, technology
firms, and energy companies, Daniela Bassan helps her clients navigate the complicated worlds of intellectual property disputes,
arbitration proceedings, corporate commercial disputes, and class action suits. She has:

  • Acted in one of the most high-profile intellectual property cases brought in Atlantic Canada over famous trademarks
    and related copyrights.
  • Acted for an international energy firm in a large-scale, clean tech project to address environmental, regulatory, and
    stakeholder disputes at federal and provincial levels.
  • Acted in cross-border, multi-jurisdictional proceedings in consumer and wholesale sectors – involving trade,
    marketing, and competition disputes.
  • Acted for a European-based multinational company in a dispute over the manufacture and supply of large-scale
    industrial equipment from Italy to Canada.
  • Acted for a Nova Scotia company and its affiliates as part of an international, multi-firm legal team in connection with
    disputed assets and transactions of over $1 billion.

Daniela received her LLB from Osgoode Hall Law School, and an LLM from Harvard Law School.