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Benjamin Sobel


Ben Sobel is a lawyer, a scholar of information law, and a postdoctoral fellow at the Digital Life Initiative at Cornell Tech in New York City and affiliate scholar at the NYU Information Law Institute. His work examines how law and technology construct legal significance out of raw information. His primary research and teaching interests are privacy and dignitary torts, intellectual property, law and technology, and property.

Ben is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School. He previously served as a law clerk to Chief Judge David Barron and Judge Michael Boudin of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and to Judge Pierre Leval of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He has also served as a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School.

Ben’s scholarship has been cited in briefs submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States, a copyright treatise, and the 2024 Economic Report of the President.