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A time of new beginnings and heartfelt farewells

I wanted to welcome and introduce some new team members to our broader community, as well as publicly thank those for their service who have recently moved on to new and exciting opportunities. 

We are delighted to announce our new Director of Communications, Dee Harris, has joined the CC team today. Dee has a wealth of experience covering strategic communication, media relations and campaign management. She has a keen background in creating content too, and has taught students how to apply CC licenses to their creative works. Dee has been a fan of CC for many years, and it is wonderful to harness her talent, enthusiasm and commitment for our cause. She will be joining Ony Anukem, CC’s Campaigns Manager, who joined the team in July as we develop and progress our 20th anniversary capital campaign.

On the GLAM front, we were excited that just before our Summit, we welcomed our new GLAM Manager, Camille Françoise, who is working with Brigitte to develop our new CC Open GLAM Program. Camille brings a wealth of experience after working as a policy and research officer on copyright and open access at the International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions (IFLA) and in various museums and libraries in Europe.

And as people begin their journey with CC, others are embarking on new and exciting opportunities. Jami Vass, our former Director of Development, is now with World Pulse whilst Eric Steuer, long term CCer, is now the new Head of Content and Creative at Kickstarter. The team and I want to wish them both well in their new and exciting roles.

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